Keyboard Command For Comments Microsoft Word Mac Os


To quit (close) a Mac app normally, choose Quit from the app's menu in the menu bar, or press Command (⌘)-Q. If the app doesn't quit, follow these steps to force the app to quit.


The shortcuts in this topic refer to the US keyboard layout. Keys for other layouts might not correspond exactly to the keys on a US keyboard. Many of the shortcuts that use the Ctrl key on a Windows keyboard also work with the Control key in Office 2016 for Mac.

Keyboard Command For Comments Microsoft Word Mac Os Windows 10

  1. To use these shortcuts, you may have to change your Mac keyboard settings to change the Show Desktop shortcut for the key. Arrow Left: Move one character to the left: Arrow Right: Move one character to the right: Option + Arrow Left: Move one word to the left: Option + Arrow Right: Move one word to the right ⌘ + Arrow Up: Move one paragraph up ⌘ + Arrow Down.
  2. ⇧⌘P, F1 Show Command Palette ⌘P Quick Open, Go to File ⇧⌘N New window/instance ⌘W ⌘Close window/instance ⌘, User Settings ⌘K Keyboard Shortcuts⌘S Basic Go to editing ⌘X Cut line (empty selection) ⌘C Copy line (empty selection) ⌥↓ / ⌥↑ Move line down/up ⇧⌥↓ / ⇧⌥↑ Copy line down/up ⇧⌘K Delete line.

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How to force an app to quit

  1. Press these three keys together: Option, Command, and Esc (Escape). This is similar to pressing Control-Alt-Delete on a PC. Or choose Force Quit from the Apple () menu in the upper-left corner of your screen.
  2. Select the app in the Force Quit window, then click Force Quit.

Learn more

  • You can also force the Finder to quit, if it stops responding. Select Finder in the Force Quit window, then click Relaunch.
  • If none of your apps are responding, you can force your Mac to restart.
  • You can also force an app to close on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

Newly bought a Mac and looking for some shortcuts for day-to-day use? Here is the list of macOS keyboard shortcuts which will help you to speedup your tasks. We have categorized the shortcuts into different groups for ease of use.


Related:Alt or option code shortcuts for Mac.

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MacOS Keyboard Shortcuts

Below is the complete list of Mac keyboard shortcuts. Since, you cannot use all shortcuts in all Mac apps, last column explains which app you can use the shortcut. Use the search box to filter the shortcut results.

ShortcutDescriptionApplicable On
Command + ASelect allGeneral
Command + CCopy the selected item to clipboardGeneral
Command + Control + Shift + 3Capture opened window to clipboardGeneral
Command + Control + Shift + 4Capture screen shot of a region to clipboardGeneral
Command + Down ArrowScroll to end of the documentGeneral
Command + FFind or searchGeneral
Command + GFind nextGeneral
Command + HHide active windowGeneral
Command + IHightlight the file and Get file information or
Italicize the selected text
Command + Left ArrowMove to the beginning of the line or
Go back in Safari
Command + MMinimize windowGeneral
Command + NOpen new window / fileGeneral
Command + OOpen new documentGeneral
Command + Option + Control + EjectQuick shutdown MacGeneral
Command + PPrint dialog boxGeneral
Command + QQuit active application windowGeneral
Command + Right ArrowMove to the end of the line or
Go forward in Safari
Command + Shift + 3Capture opened window to desktopGeneral
Command + Shift + 4Capture screen shot of a region and send to desktopGeneral
Command + Shift + 4 + SpaceWindow captureGeneral
Command + Shift + GFind previousGeneral
Command + Shift + Option + EscForce quit app without warningGeneral
Command + Shift + ZRedo previous undone action or
Close last opened tab using undo in Safari
Command + SpaceOpen spotlight searchGeneral
Command + TOpen a new tab within a browser / Finder or
Open fonts window in text editors like Pages
Command + TabChange application windowsGeneral
Command + Up ArrowScroll to start of the documentGeneral
Command + VPaste the last copied / cut item from clipboardGeneral
Command + WClose windowGeneral
Command + XCut the selection to clipboardGeneral
Command + ZReopen the previously closed tab or
Undo previous action
Control + Up ArrowView all active applicationsGeneral
F11Hide all windows and show desktopGeneral
F12Show dashboardGeneral
Function + Down ArrowPage downGeneral
Function + F1Reduce brightnessGeneral
Function + F2Increase brightnessGeneral
Function + Up ArrowPage upGeneral
Hold F12 During StartupEject removable disc from the driveGeneral
Command + Option + IHighlight the file and Get file informationFinder
Command + Shift + AOpen application folder within FinderFinder
Command + Shift + DOpen Desktop folder within FinderFinder
Command + Shift + UOpen utilities folder within FinderFinder
Return / EnterRename the highlighted fileFinder
Command + +Zoom out window in a browserSafari
Command + -Zoom In window in a browserSafari
Command + ClickOpen link in new tab and stay on the current tabSafari
Command + LMove to browser's address barSafari
Command + NumberGo to the browser tab. Press “Command + 1” for first tab.Safari
Command + Option + WClose all open tabs except the active tabSafari
Command + RRefresh the pageSafari
Command + Shift + [Move through left tabs in browserSafari
Command + Shift + ]Move through right tabs in browserSafari
Command + Shift + ClickOpen link in a new tab and move to the new tabSafari
Command + Shift + IOpen email with the link of the page from the browserSafari
Command + WClose current active tabSafari
Control + Shift + TabMove down through recent tabsSafari
Control + TabMove up through recent tabsSafari
Command + [Right indent the selectionText Editing
Command + ]Left indent the selectionText Editing
Command + BBold the selected textText Editing
Command + KAdd hyperlink in PagesText Editing
Command + K + DeleteDelete from the cursor point to start of that lineText Editing
Command + SSave documentText Editing
Command + Shift + KAdd Comments to a word in PagesText Editing
Command + Shift + SSave as dialog boxText Editing
Command + UUnderline selected textText Editing
Control + AMove to the beginning of the lineText Editing
Control + EMove to the end of the lineText Editing
Control + VScroll down to the pageText Editing
Function + DeleteDelete to the rightText Editing
Option + Left ArrowMove to beginning of the wordText Editing
Option + Right ArrowMove to end of the wordText Editing

Mac Modifier Keys

In order to use the shortcuts, you should know the modifier keys on your Mac keyboard. Below is the list of modifier keys in standard Apple keyboard along with Windows equivalent.

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Apple Keyboard KeyDescriptionWindows Equivalent
Caps LockCaps Lock
FnFunction KeysFunction Keys